Solutions with Modules


For living and working with silence and sound


Musikon modules provide effective soundproofing techniques, designs and new approaches for implementing your ideas. In addition, specialized consultation and tips for user optimization are available, as well as: Clear concepts with new perspectives for your space.



Room-within-a-room: A high level of insulation and acoustic design

Audio-Kabine: Die State-of-the-Art-Lösung  

The Musikon audio booth is state-of-the-art. Technology and design are perfectly adapted to your space. Booths or customized audio designs are on a par with complex permanent installations, but movable, when the time comes. Concepts for discerning users, professionals and special applications.

Audio-Box: Die schnelle und flexible Lösung  

The Musikon audio box provides a fast, flexible approach. Additions, replacements and adjustments are easy due to the new grid and add-on modules. This practical concept will always enable you to find a good solution.


> Comparison of key features of the audio booth and audio box

Acoustic modules: Optimal acoustics in the studio, at home and for mobile applications

Xorber: Die transparenten Akustik-Module  

Effective soundproofing begins at the source. Xorbers, the transparent acoustic modules, transform this classic principle into a cool trend. Xorbers favor visual contacts, and – thanks to German research and technology – are as effective as absorber foam.

Musikon Akustik-Module  

Musikon acoustic modules optimize the room acoustics. As broadband or low-frequency (bass trap) absorbers they achieve a high level of absorption with a small installation depth, and are individually configurable. If desired, consultation, measurement and assembly can also be provided with the individual modules or packages.



Additional products


Upon request: Portable or stationary interpreting booths in accordance with ISO 4030 or ISO 2603